
Kulturschöpfer seeks to be a welcoming space in which culture (kultur) is being made (schöpfer) by a multicultural community that is thriving. We envision a community that learns from one another’s differences, collaborates together, and supports one another in discovering their identity and to know beauty in all its fullness.


Kulturschöpfers mission is to increase cultural understanding by offering a space where people can engage with one another, create together, and inspire each other; seeing culture holistically as something that unites us. We want to empower each individual to realize that they are a Culture Maker and together as a community, we have the ability to positively influence the culture that surrounds us and renew it to a place of thriving.


• Promoting art and culture

• Promoting professional development

• Promoting community service

• Promoting international understanding


Structure (Organized Chaos)

  • The physical space, the organization, the programs & courses/events /workshops offered at Kulturschöpfer are like a playground (a limited, structured, and defined space) where others can experience a place to create/play.

Collaboration (Togetherness)

  • Good for us as creators but better for us as a community. Communities aren’t just for networking or self- promotion, but for helping us and others grow creatively together.

Imagination (Wandering)

  • Dreaming opens up the possibility of a better world.

Risk (Shooting High)

  • See yourself, others pushed to their potential. Find support for your crazy ideas.

Forgiveness (Failing Fast & Forward)

  • It is easier to take risks when we know that we have a safe place to try, to fail, and to try again. A place where you can “fail fast and fail forward.” Being able to forgive oneself, which enables one to forgive others and vice versa.

Rest (Low Pressure)

  • In a culture and a world that seems to be non-stop, rest has never been more important. Our bodies were made to rest, although it seems we are constantly training them to not do so.

Processing/Feedback (Evaluation/Growth)

  • Hearing about our strengths/weaknesses helps us develop personally and creatively.

Sustainability (All Things New)

We want a world where all things are reimagined on how they could be, not as how they are.

  • People (Equality): Truly seeing people for who they are and the gift they are to this world, placing value not in what they do but in who they are as individuals. We imagine a world where each person feels seen and valued.

  • Planet (Environment): Having a deep appreciation for the beauty of this planet, desiring not to drain it of its resources or only to protect it or preserve it, but instead actively engaging in the restoration of what has been damaged.

  • Profit (Economy): When others do well, we do well, which is why we see profit not only in regard to finances but in the well-being of others and our community; we imagine a world that together is thriving.

Our Holistic Approach:

Engage the Mind (Head):

  • Through Learning: We are always learning and growing. Having an open mind to others and to new experiences creates unique opportunities to discover identity.

  • Through Commissioning Others: We discover our identity when we let go of trying to find it in what we do or have accomplished. By doing so we have the freedom to empower, encourage and equip others to carry on what we started, allowing the next generation of culture makers to continue on what has only begun.

Create with the Hands:

  • Through Making: We are made to create and it is an inescapable part our daily lives. Everything we do is part of the creation process; it is the process of taking what was given to us and using it in a way that brings, order and beauty.

  • Through Collaboration with one another: Although we can at times create alone, when we create with others is the moment when we know beauty at its fullest. Through collaboration we are able to create something bigger than just ourselves, something that brings us to a place of awe.

Inspire the Heart:

  • Through Our Senses: Stories are what not only what inspire us, they are what unite us, they are essential to culture. This is why Story Telling is so important to us as a community, because it grows our understanding of others, as well as ourselves.

  • Through Serving our Community: We experience community at a deeper level when we care for one another, it is what our hearts are designed to do. Caring/Serving becomes more natural as we get to know one another by sharing stories, as our hearts connect, we desire to care for one another. Because when our community thrives, we thrive as well.