Featured Artists: Florent Lubienicki, Silvia Sarsano, Jeremy Knowles, Audriana Acuña, Kon Turner
IN//BETWEEN #5 Lockdown Edition
Action on Hold
What is it?
Action on Hold is a three-part exhibition, on display at Green Hill Gallery between December 2020 and January 2021, investigating subliminal responses to the current global pandemic. Over the course of eight weeks, the gallery space will be deconstructed and re-assembled twice, concluding on February.
The fits part of the Exhibition
- The Sybil -
“A hundred doors a hundred entries grace; As many voices issue, and the sound Of Sybil’s words as many times rebound.” - The Aeneid, book VI, Virgil
As a reaction to times of extreme uncertainty, we retreat inwards. The current closures and circumstances force us to seek comfort in the internal worlds that we in perpetuity, are constructing for ourselves. Our insides serve as a sanctuary, lest our inner demons be summoned by fears and anxieties, shinning a light on the sometimes illusory rituals of protection we have all invoked from an imperceptible threat.
If we can’t be totally safe within ourselves then who do we turn to inmoments of immeasurable crisis?
We invite you to the entrance of the cave of our Sybil. We must pass through 100 entrances in order to ask our most pressing questions. The Sybil may have the answers to restore order to our personal worlds, but they are jumbled and cryptic, requiring deep listening and divination to interpret. Inside you may find exactly what you seek or you may be left with gibberish, disappointed and more confused than before.
Our Sibyl is you, what could you say to yourself to feel the most comforted?
Using the cave doors as a reference to the entrance of our own inner world, we listen and feel for a sense of certainty. The sounds wehear may provide us with comfort but their undertones also contain a of warning. It is the balance of the two opposing inner voices that may help us to find our equilibrium.
How can I participate?
You can engage in the creation process starting NOW!
Visit: Come and have a peak through the windows to see how the five artists work every day at Green Hill Gallery (Kulturschöpfer, Grünbergerstr. 13, 10243 Berlin).
Online: You can also follow their process through we will tell you about the artists and their stories via our social media (Facebook and Instagram) and YouTube.
Florent Lubienicki
Visual artist Born 1986, France Lives and works in Berlin
Graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Nîmes in 2010. Since then held numerous solo exhibitions in France, USA and Canada, two group exhibitions in Canada and the UK.
Florent’s work is animated mainly around the awareness of the natural elements that surround us, the human condition and its relationship with time and space, meditation, introspection, and invisible human depths.
Silvia Sarsano
Painter Born 1981, Viterbo, Italy Lives and works in Berlin
In 2005 she graduated magna cum laude at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and in 2010 Contemporary Art History at the University La Sapienza in Rome. In 2007 she moved to Berlin, where she is still living and working. She took part in several collective and solo exhibitions, projects and art competitions in Italy, Germany, UK and Tunis, as well as art residencies in Germany and India.
“In my work, a constant source of interest is the contradictions that shape our reality, especially regarding women and the duality between the poeticized image (as saint, muse, goddess) and the inequality she faces in the real world. I aim to present real people without idolization. Without pretense of perfection.”
Jeremy Philip Knowles
Lens-based artist Born 1992, Stevenage, UK Lives and works in Berlin
Has a degree in Fine Art Photography from Camberwell College of Art (University of the Arts London) and a foundation diploma in Art & Design from Oaklands College of Art. Jeremy regularly exhibits his photographic and installation work between institutions in Berlin and London, and his work has also been included in group shows in China and the USA.
Jeremy is an artist interested in the city and how we, as inhabitants, activate it. In 2016 he moved from London to Berlin, and has since made this city the subject of an ongoing photographic study that documents the mundane elements of daily life in Berlin that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Kon Turner
Abstract artist Born 1988, Berlin, Germany Lives and works in Berlin
Kon has a B.A. in Business Studies from the University of Göttingen and the bbw Academy in Berlin. Kon is also a trained coffee roaster. Kon has been creating Graffiti art since 1996. As such, his artwork is exhibited throughout Berlin on the walls of the city. He focuses on acrylic and spray paint. Kon’s work combines contrasting colours and geometric forms. Explosive swings, fast brush strokes and squeegee techniques generate art pieces that feel dynamic, agile and bright.
“Whenever I am about to create a new piece of art, I will stare at this pristine thing - this spotless canvas - but feel too anxious to start. Unless I begin, and get into the flow of making, I really feel that tension within me.”
Audriana Acuña
Sound artist Born in South Texas, United States Lives and works in Berlin
Graduated from Berklee of College in 2014 with a Bachelors of the Arts.